Hance Chosen to Lead Calvert Commissioners

This article appeared in the County Times on December 17, 2020

By Dick Myers, Editor

Commissioner Buddy Hance will lead his board for next year. Hance was selected at the Calvert County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) Dec. 15 meeting. Steve Weems will be vice president.

Hance succeeds Kelly McConkey in this position, which usually rotated every year, although there have been occasions in which a commissioner has served two terms as president.

Commissioner Tim Hutchins attempted to extend McConkey’s term for another six months. He said McConkey led the BOCC through the first surge of the pandemic and a second surge was upon us. “Optics and stability are important, that we put forth a consistent image,” he said.

However, Hutchins’ motion failed to garner a second. That was followed by Commissioner Mike Hart nominating Weems for vice president and Weems nominating Hance for president.

It was Hance and Weems that voted against McConkey last year in the 3-2 vote in which he was elected.

Full story in image below.

Jamie Tiralla