Thank You For Your Support

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone that came out for my fundraiser yesterday. It’s very humbling to see people come out and spend their hard earned money to support my campaign.

It takes a lot of moving parts to make the event successful people that donate auction items and those that work to put the event on. I cannot thank them enough.

Now the important part: I need you to once again ask your family and friends to vote for me in the upcoming primary election. It’s what put me through four years ago and that’s what it will take again especially with six of us running for two positions.

There are also some significant changes this year that you will need to pay attention to. Some commissioner districts have changed so please pay attention to the information you receive from the election board. Also this year there will be three locations for early voting and we’ll post those as we get closer.

Because the primary has been moved to July 19th the early voting will start shortly after July 4th.

And again a big thank you to anyone that played a role in the fundraiser yesterday which gives us the resources to put forward a successful campaign.


Buddy Hance

Jamie Tiralla